A Matter of Faith
An American Doctor in Vietnam
“I Was met at the DaNang airport by an officer from the 29th Civil Affairs……My first impression as they opened the door of the aircraft was Vietnam Stinks!”
“Vietnam could be a delightful country, if not for the war…..when I fly up to Hue I can see beautiful little Islands just off the coast, nothing but crystal clear water and coral reefs as far as the eye can see…”
“If you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me…..”
Soft Bound Full Color
“Families and Staff were required to leave the hospital before sundown as they were vulnerable to kidnapping by VC in the night….the sick and dying were left to fend for themselves…..”
“After 12 long months….I spot my little “Shirley Temple” 5 year old running down the airport corridor shouting My Daddy!, My Daddy! ……I took the most beautiful woman in the world into my arms, my sweet Ruth. Finally I Am Home……”
About the Author
Kenneth Case, M.D. is a family practice physician who served the Middle Tennessee area for over 5 decades after serving his country in Vietnam. As a beloved caregiver, husband, father and leader in his community, Case’s roots run deep in the hills of Tennessee that he calls home. From his father and grandfather, spanning back to the early 1930’s, the simple hardy living of the upper plateau during his early years and an abiding faith in a loving God have provided him with a unique prospective from which to launch a 50 year odyssey of adventure, love, tragedy and a life of faithful service to his fellow mankind.